I believe that everyone’s life has an invisible manual. We might not be able to see it, but we know in our guts when something is pulling us away or towards the best version of ourself. One day a cup of coffee and people watching feels magical and then the next it’s empty, void of sparkle and newness. For the past decade, I was thrown one rough life experience after the other, and it left me feeling lost, and had built my anxiety to an all time high. I was looking for concrete answers and a little peak into my own manual. What were the rules? What was my next step? That’s when I dove deeper into Tarot than I ever had before. Suddenly questions were not only being answered directly, but I was shown a menage of cut and dry perspectives that helped me see the bigger picture I was too tunnel visioned to see before. Your life changes constantly, and so do the cards. But in the moment you just need that one answer, that one foresight into the future to help your feet land on the pavement and get back in control of your life.
Including Tarot, I’ve been meditating for over 17 years, am currently a 200hr ryt registered yoga instructor, have crossed over 2,000 past lives for myself and others, have helped hundreds learn to travel to the spirit realm to meet their own guides, am a well seasoned spirit realm traveler myself and Akashic Records reader, have cleared hundreds of ghosts/middle world beings, and so much more.
Aside from Tarot, from the very beginning, I’ve been drawn to harmony, happiness, nature, and self improvement. My mind usually races a million miles a minute with ideas. I love losing myself in a video game or a movie whether it be my ability to easily empathize with people or my adoration towards a good story. Currently I’m all about Murder, She Wrote, driving in the car to my favorite Japanese bands, and becoming friends with every cat and animal I see!