Supermoon's Intuition Training Course

Supermoon's Intuition Training Course

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Intuition is often described as good and bad energies or feelings. But is that it? What is intuition, and how is it useful to us? And what if you aren’t exactly in tune with these energies and feelings? Are you then disconnected from your intuition as a whole? No, not at all I’m happy to say!

Hi I’m Supermoon, and I invite you to Supermoon’s Intuition Training Course. Intuition is a skill you unknowingly use everyday all day to guide you in decision making, to spot an inspired idea you can turn into a business, to figure out how to become more productive, and that is only a handful of examples. This course was created to build a foundation not solely reliant on energies and feelings so that any person has a jumping off point to progress.

We even learn how to travel to the Spirit Realm and meet our Spirit Guides because as you will find out it is not a coincidence that the way your Spirit Guides communicate and how the Spirit Realm works is not that different than how intuition functions. We are not only metaphorically bridging a gap between the non physical and physical world, but the one inside of us that connects us to our true inner being.

What is included in this course:

  • Detailed video explanations and conversations breaking down methods, understandings, deeper ideas, how it all relates back to intuition, and so much more

  • An interactive workbook that includes both the video portions and the writing exercises and checklists. The interactive sections allow you to write directly inside it on whatever device you are enjoying the course on.

  • How to travel to and from the Spirit Realm and meet your Spirit Guides

  • Guided Meditations to get connected and open up your mind and way of thinking

  • Writing exercises to better understand the individual ideas to then bring them all together into the process as a whole (you’ll be able to fill them out inside the document itself)

  • Checklists to make remembering the method, steps, and all the information you learn in this course easier (you’ll be able to fill them out inside the document itself)

  • Middle World beings

  • Spirit Guides

  • The Spirit Realm and it’s various locations

  • Spiritual Safety, the why’s, the what’s, and the how’s

  • You’ll learn how to identify and then apply messages in your daily life

  • Concepts to help support you build your skills up

  • Learn how to confirm your intuitive hunches in order to build a solid foundation

Before I understood how to identify and then work with my intuition, it felt like events, synchronicities, experiences happened to me not for me. Now that I see and can interpret the hidden language amongst the noise I see how perfectly, seemlessly, and complexly the universe fits together. I figure out life lesson’s quicker, gain continuous inspiration to use to my advantage daily, and have found my life runs smoother as whole now that I’m in on the cosmic idea of it all.

  • Note: after ordering your course, you will receive an email with a link to access it. After clicking the link, you only have 24 hours to download it. Don’t forget to save it somewhere outside of the email.

  • I have a no refund policy with my courses as there is no way for me receive that knowledge back like a t-shirt.